Alcove est un luminaire compact à haute performance fournissant un éclairage à distribution asymétrique. Alcove mesure 1 13/16" de hauteur par 3 7/8" de profondeur. Avec son intensité de pointe de 110º, son optique ajustable, son rendement lumineux de 350 à 1200 lumens par pied, et son efficacité allant jusqu’à 134LPW, l’Alcove délivre une illumination de plafond des plus efficaces. Très ajustable, Alcove s’installe dans les plafonds voutés et autres enceintes architecturales, comme luminaire individuel, ou en série continue avec des câbles à connexion rapide. Les drivers et les panneaux LED sont accessibles sans avoir à enlever le luminaire de son enceinte.
ALCOVE Ramp est une enceinte mesurant 2 5/8" de hauteur par 8 ½" de profondeur et disponible selon deux modèles de rampes : 90º et 35º. Chez Lumenwerx, nous vous facilitons la tâche en vous créant des agencements personnalisés. Bien que l’angle standard de nos luminaires en angle soit de 90 degrés, nous sommes en mesure de réaliser des angles personnalisés qui répondront à vos besoins.
Direct, Indirect
Axle est un luminaire élégant et compact offrant une efficace distribution asymétrique de la lumière. Doucement courbé, Axle mesure seulement 2 11/16" par 3 11/16". Axle fournit un éclairage optimale pour valoriser les éléments graphiques, les œuvres d’art ainsi que les murs et les plafonds grâce à son optique ajustable, son rendement lumineux de 350 à 1200 lumens par pied (nominal) et son efficacité allant jusqu’à 126 LPW. Très flexible, Axle peut être installé en luminaire individuel (jusqu’à 8') ou en système continu, avec un choix de bras de fixation ou de câble de suspension.
Camber est une suspension linéaire à LED à mince profil articulé. Camber, grâce à l’utilisation de LED performantes et d’un contrôleur optique, permet un contrôle sur la lumière directe tout en offrant une lumière indirecte diffuse. Cet éclairage de qualité est offert dans un large choix de mode de diffusion de la lumière grâce à diverses options et le contrôle de l’électricité. Le luminaire Camber est aussi disponible en version LCI, avec un contrôleur indépendant de la lumière directe et indirecte.
Canyon est un luminaire LED linéaire et étroit avec une ouverture de 1.25" sur toute la longueur du boîtier. Utilisant des modules LED de pointe et un contrôle optique, Canyon offre une large diffusion indirecte de la lumière et une douce lueur directe de la lumière pour une distribution indirecte/directe de 90/10, offrant un éclairage efficace et confortable des deux côtés. Canyon est offert avec différent choix de température de couleur, avec différentes options électriques et de contrôles. Veuillez consulter les fiches techniques supplémentaires pour le Canyon mural ainsi que le Canyon fluorescent.
Direct and Direct/Indirect
Cava est un intrigant et séduisant luminaire linéaire à LED se déclinant sous forme de suspension ou encastré. Cava se distingue par la disposition ingénieuse de ses rangées de LED créant ainsi une diffusion efficace de la lumière dans la cavité du luminaire et permettant d’offrir un contrôle optimal de la luminosité. Le luminaire Cava offre une configuration de distribution de la lumière directe ou bien directe/indirecte.
Cava-T fournit une luminescence douce et agréable qui éclaire tout type d’espace de travail. Cava-T est disponible en module de 1x4 et 2x2 et s’adapte à de nombreux types de plafond. Cava-T s’adapte parfaitement au réglage de couleur ChromaWerx pour le domaine de l’éducation, de bureau ou de soins de la santé, où les luminaires modulaires encastrés sont utilisés.
Cluster Combinations intègre des éléments d'éclairage descendant miniatures à un éclairage HLO linéaire général, le tout dans un canal extrudé étroit de 1,5 po.
Les optiques compatibles comprennent tous les types d'éclairage descendant, parabolique et lèche-mur, et sont disponibles en configurations de 3, 5 et 10 cellules, et dans tous les faisceaux et finis d'ouverture applicables.
Clusters Combinations peut être installé à toutes les longueurs à partir de 4 po et peut être encastré, installé en surface ou suspendu avec des pilotes intégrés.
Les lumières descendantes encastrées de Clusters comprennent des lumières descendantes linéaires, des lumières descendantes planaires et des lumières linéaires réglables, dans différentes configurations de cellule. Downlights (lumières descendantes) offre un choix d'optique à faisceau non défini et à faisceau défini, de nombreux types de faisceau et des traitements d'ouverture subtils.
La puissance lumineuse nominale est de 200 lumens par cellule à plus de 80 LPW; la puissance totale va de 1800 lumens en configuration linéaire à jusqu'à 5000 lumens pour la rangée la plus large.
Recessed Clusters (encastré) peut être installé dans de nombreux types de plafond et de matériaux, avec un pilote intégral ou un pilote à distance capable d'alimenter de nombreux luminaires.
Les lumières descendantes paraboliques encastrées de Clusters comprennent des lumières descendantes linéaires, des lumières descendantes planaires et des lumières linéaires réglables, dans différentes configurations de cellule. Les lumières descendantes offrent un choix d'optique à faisceau non défini et à faisceau défini, de nombreux types de faisceau et des traitements d'ouverture subtils.
La puissance lumineuse nominale est de 200 lumens par cellule à plus de 85 LPW; la puissance totale va de 1800 lumens en configuration linéaire à jusqu'à 5000 lumens pour la rangée la plus large.
Recessed Clusters (encastré) peut être installé dans de nombreux types de plafond et de matériaux, avec un pilote intégral ou un pilote à distance capable d'alimenter de nombreux luminaires.
Les modèles suspendus Cluster sont disponibles en configuration linéaire et planaire avec des optiques lumière descendante, parabolique et lèche-mur qui correspondent aux types d'encastré. Les modèles suspendus linéaires sont disponibles en configuration de 1, 3 et 5 cellules; les modèles suspendus planaires sont disponibles en rangées de 2x2 et 3x3.
Pendant Clusters s'agence à un choix d'enceintes cuboïdes de 3, 8 ou 12 po. La puissance lumineuse nominale est de 200 lumens par cellule avec une efficacité de plus de 80 LPW.
Pendant Clusters peut être suspendu à l'aide de tiges. Un auvent pour le raccordement par conduit est disponible. Le pilote est intégral ou à distance, et est capable d'alimenter de nombreux luminaires.
Les modèles de Cluster Surface sont disponibles en configuration linéaire et planaire avec des optiques lumière descendante, parabolique et lèche-mur qui correspondent aux types d'encastré. Les modèles de surface linéaires sont disponibles en configuration de 1, 3 et 5 cellules; les modèles suspendus planaires sont disponibles en rangées de 2x2 et 3x3.
Cluster Surface s'agence à un choix d'enceintes cuboïdes de 3, 8 ou 12 po. La puissance lumineuse nominale est de 200 lumens par cellule avec une efficacité de plus de 80 LPW.
Cluster Surface se monte avec un choix d'alimentation directe, de boîte de jonction avec auvent, et d'alimentation par conduit avec enceinte à épissure. Le pilote est intégral ou à distance, et est capable d'alimenter de nombreux luminaires.
Clusters lèche-mur linéaire encastré est disponible en configuration fixe ou réglable. L'optique à pellicule de diffusion offre un éclairage vertical remarquablement doux et uniforme.
La puissance lumineuse nominale va de 400 à 1200 lumens, avec une efficacité pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 66 LPW.
Tous les modèles Recessed Clusters (encastré) peuvent être installés dans de nombreux types de plafond et de matériaux, avec un pilote intégral ou un pilote à distance capable d'alimenter de nombreux luminaires.
Un nouveau visage sur une forme familière. De l’éclairage sans limites! Cubito illumine son profil carré à travers deux côtés adjacents, formant un angle droit lumineux de 2 ½" de chaque côté. Le montage mural de Cubito permet un éclairage direct ou indirect; faîte-le suivre la ligne mur / plafond pour délimiter les plans; installez-le verticalement au coin de deux murs comme signal lumineux, soit en surface ou en retrait. Cubito peut être un luminaire discret, une ligne de lumière continue ou suivre les coins des murs sur un ou deux plans.
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Fortex est une série de luminaires rectangulaires, qui se distingue par son élégance, lorsqu’installée au mur ou suspendue au plafond. Le Fortex suspendu est idéal pour les espaces comme des salles de conférences, des bureaux de directions, des salles de repos, des cafétérias, des vestibules et des halls. Le Fortex direct/indirect est composé d’extrusion en aluminium de 4.25" x 1.5" avec des optiques saillantes de 0.5" au-dessus du boîtier. Les coins du luminaire sont biseautés et entièrement lumineux. Le Fortex 5 est espacé de 0.75" du mur tout en projetant la lumière harmonieusement, cela ajoutant un détail intriguant au luminaire. De par leurs dimensions, Fortex 5 et Fortex 2 se conforment aux exigences de l’ADA. Les luminaires de la gamme Fortex et VIA 1.5 Plus linéaire s’agencent parfaitement ensemble.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Hex est un luminaire distinctif et flexible à six faces pour des projets créatifs. La configuration de chaque compartiment définit la distribution de la lumière et le flot global de la lumière. Chaque cellule est éclairée par sa propre rangée DEL avec une luminosité constante à travers tous les compartiments. Les panneaux de 2" de large s'enclenchent dans l'armature du centre pour assurer une transition fluide d'une cellule à l'autre, en plus d’assurer l'accès aux panneaux DEL et au driver.
Direct, Indirect
InWalo procure un éclairage fonctionnel depuis un luminaire linéaire encastré mural. Le boîtier du InWalo nécessite seulement 5/8 "de profondeur de montage (l'épaisseur d’une cloison sèche moyenne) de sorte que le luminaire s’installe sur les montants du mur. Le compartiment du driver coulisse derrière le luminaire pour une installation totalement flexible entre les montants du mur. La DEL amovible et la cartouche optique permettent l'accès au driver sans perturber la connexion cloison sèche / boîtier. InWalo peut être installé comme un luminaire linéaire discret ou continu, direct ou indirect.
Le luminaire Medico a été conçu pour être utilisé seul ou en complément du luminaire Medico Plus afin de conserver le même aspect esthétique dans l’ensemble d’un établissement de santé. Il offre la même qualité d'éclairage à faible éblouissement en mode ambiant que Medico Plus. Le canal central est offert avec un choix de paralumes paraboliques, de micros spots ou d'un encastré.
Medico a été conçu pour répondre aux besoins des patients et du personnel des établissements de santé. Multifonctionnelle et puissante, la gamme de luminaires offre un éclairage à faible éblouissement. Medico Plus propose les modes Ambient, Examen et Lecture, avec la possibilité de combiner les modes Examen et Ambient uniquement.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Dans son profil compact de 1 15/16 po x 4 ¾ po, Medius prend en charge une impressionnante gamme d'optique pour un éclairage direct et direct/indirect haute performance. Le résultat est un excellent confort visuel avec un UGR supérieur à 16, une uniformité élégante du plafond et une efficacité jusqu'à 116 LPW. Medius offre ChromaWerx pour les applications de blanc adaptables. Une option de câble coulissant simplifie l'installation dans les espaces existants. Medius peut être configuré en luminaire individuel ou en système continu et offre une gamme complète d'options électriques et de commande.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Précis, raffiné, élégant et de seulement 1" de largeur, Mikro apporte une nouvelle dimension aux luminaires linéaires LED, rendu possible grâce à son driver intégré - Mikrodrive™. Utilisant des LED haute performance et une optique lambertienne plate à haut rendement, Mikro offre une efficacité de 117 LPW. En plus des installations individuelles et des installations en système continue, Mikro est également disponible en configuration suspendue, murale, surface et encastrée.
Direct, Indirect
Précis, raffiné, élégant et de seulement 1" de largeur, Mikro Plus apporte une nouvelle dimension aux luminaires linéaires LED, rendu possible grâce à son driver intégré - Mikrodrive™. Utilisant des LED haute performance et un diffuseur carré de 1", Mikro Plus offre une efficacité de 111 LPW avec une forme lumineuse tridimensionnelle. En plus des installations individuelles et en système continue, Mikro Plus est disponible en configuration suspendue, surface et murale.
2X4, 2X2, 1X4
Nova est un plafonnier à LED qui distribue uniformément la lumière le long de son optique centrale. Grâce à la qualité de ses LED, la lampe Nova fournit un éclairage agréable et de qualité. Nova se décline en 3 tailles, 2x2, 1x4 et 2x4 et s’adapte à toutes les situations grâce à ses différentes options. Nova est aussi disponible en T5/T5HO et T8.
Indirect widespread optics
Ory offre un éclairage à large diffusion et écoénergétique provenant d'un luminaire de seulement 1 "de haut sur 2,5" de large. Un driver séparé, accessible via le pavillon, alimente le luminaire. Utilisant l'Optique à Large Diffusion Indirecte (WIO) de LumenWerx, Ory fournit une intensité maximale à 110º tout en supprimant l'éclairage direct. Cela produit une luminosité au plafond visiblement plus douce qu'une distribution directe lambertienne typique vers le bas, permettant ainsi un espacement général plus large. Ory est disponible en luminaire suspendu indirect, en luminaire murale asymétrique indirect (conforme ADA), et en configurations suspendues.
Indirect widespread optics
Fait d'aluminium extrudé et moulé, Paz a une largeur légèrement supérieure à 6 po - le plus petit profil courbé actuellement disponible. Un choix d'embouts et d'options de suspension, ainsi que le système continu en paliers de 2 pi, offrent de la souplesse pour le design. Paz comprend nos optiques indirectes à diffusion large haute performance et offre un éclairage totalement indirect confortable pouvant atteindre jusqu'à 109 lumens par watt. ChromaWerx Duo et Sola offrent des applications de blanc adaptables
La forme géométrique du POLY aux dimensions discrètes offre de nouvelles opportunités en termes d’approche créative pour un éclairage généralisé. Le POLY encastré offre une illumination régressé produite par des diffuseurs œuvrant sur 2 faces, formant une encave peu profonde, tandis que l’option à 3 faces s’abaisse sous le plafond. Les options suspendues triangulaires et en forme d’Y du POLY peuvent se distinguer dans une variété de régions différente. La forme ouverte est légère et procure un profil compact de 2.5". Le POLY peut être facilement utilisé de façon régulière ou en arrangement en forme libre. En ayant une efficacité attirante, une puissance de plusieurs lumens et de nombreuses options électriques, le POLY est pratique en plus d’être original.
Direct, direct/indirect
Pop Color se distingue par son boîtier de 4 ¾" de hauteur, aux couleurs vibrantes, qui peut se placer affleurant au plafond, ou jusqu’à 4" en dessous de celui-ci. Le luminaire est un module entièrement fermé doté d’un système de verrouillage permettant un accès facile au luminaire, sans quincaillerie apparente. Pop Color délivre jusqu’à 125 LPW et est disponible en 9 couleurs standard. Les demandes de coloris sur mesure sont aussi disponibles. Pop Color se décline en deux formes de diffuseur, carré ou rond, disponible dans des tailles nominales de 12", 24", 36" et 48". Chacun de ces diffuseurs sont adaptés pour une installation surface ou suspendue avec une distribution de la lumière directe ou directe/indirecte. Le diffuseur peut être abaissé de 1", 2", 3" et 4" en dessous du niveau du boîtier. Un large choix de température de couleur, de système électrique et d’options de contrôle est offert pour ce luminaire. Quelles que soient la taille du luminaire ou les options électriques choisies, chaque diffuseur de la gamme Pop Color maintient une même luminosité, garantissant ainsi une uniformité auprès des différents luminaires de la gamme.
Direct, direct/indirect
POP Core se caractérise visuellement par un simple et élégant diffuseur avec une répartition uniforme de la lumière, pouvant diffuser jusqu’à 131 LPW. Le luminaire est un module entièrement fermé doté d’un système de verrouillage permettant un accès facile au luminaire, sans quincaillerie apparente. Pop Core offre un choix de deux formes de diffuseur, carré ou rond, disponible dans des tailles nominales de 12", 24", 34" et 48". Tous sont offerts avec une distribution directe ou directe/indirecte. Lorsque monté à la surface du plafond, un doux halo de lumière y est diffusé, entourant ainsi la structure. Pop Core Square est disponible avec un diffuseur de 2.5" ou de 5" de hauteur et Pop Core Round avec un diffuseur de 3.5" ou 5" de hauteur. Le diffuseur de 2.5" de hauteur répond aux exigences de l’ADA concernant l’installation murale du Pop Core, n’excédant pas 4" de distance avec le mur après installation. Un large choix de température de la couleur, de système électrique et d’options de contrôle est offert pour ce luminaire. Quelles que soient la taille du luminaire ou les options électriques choisies, chaque diffuseur de la gamme Pop Core maintient une même luminosité, garantissant ainsi une uniformité auprès des différents luminaires de la gamme.
POP Recessed se distingue par son diffuseur affleurant au plafond et offrant une répartition uniforme de la lumière. Le luminaire est un module entièrement fermé doté d’un système de verrouillage permettant un accès facile au luminaire sans quincaillerie apparente. Pop Recessed peut délivrer jusqu’à 114 LPW et être installé sur un plafond en treillis ou des panneaux de gypse.
2X2, 1X4
Éclairage à LED. Le micro optique concentrique utilisé pour le luminaire PRIMO combine une apparence subtile et distinctive qui s’adapte aux divers espaces, petit comme grand, tout en leur apportant une touche de modernité. Les prismes à base carrée ont été conçus pour apporter à la fois une lumière diffuse et cohérente et un confort visuel sous tous les angles. L’utilisation de circuit de LED et d’optiques évoluées permettent à PRIMO de fournir une illumination agréable à l’œil tout en s’intégrant discrètement et avec goût dans l’espace.
Quad est le luminaire linéaire au design simple et parfaitement exécuté qui convient à diverses applications. L’Optique à Haute efficacité Lambertienne (HLO) offre une luminosité performante et uniforme à travers le diffuseur. Quad est disponible avec deux profils différents, un profil large de 3.5 pouces et un profil étroit de 2.5 pouces, tous deux pouvant être installés en surface ou au mur ainsi qu’en série continu. Malgré sa forme compacte, une gamme complète d’options de contrôle électrique intégré est disponible.
Reven est une suspension LED linéaire à mince profil articulé. Reven, grâce à l’utilisation de LED performantes et d’un contrôleur optique, permet un contrôle sur la lumière directe tout en offrant une lumière indirecte diffuse. Cet éclairage de qualité est offert dans un large choix de mode de diffusion de la lumière grâce à diverses options. Le luminaire Reven est également disponible en version LCI, avec un contrôle indépendant de la lumière directe et indirecte. D’autres luminaires muraux de la même gamme sont aussi disponibles. Reven est également disponible en T5 et en T5HO.
Le Revo suspendu offre une interprétation nouvelle d’une forme classique, en étant attrayant et fonctionnel à la fois. Avec seulement 2 3/8" de diamètre, Revo fournit une illumination précise et uniforme pour les surfaces de travail comme les comptoirs, les bureaux et les tables des salles de conférences. Les réflecteurs miniatures à faible luminosité et le MikroDrive™ intégré du Revo lui permettent d’atteindre de si petites dimensions. Revo peut être utilisé comme un luminaire individuel ou combiné en système continu. Le Réflecteur Optique Miniature, développé spécialement pour le Revo suspendu, crée un effet visuel intéressant en plus d’une luminosité confortable. Conçu en collaboration avec Gensler.
Shalo - avec une profondeur de seulement 1.75" - s'intègre à la hauteur d'un plafond suspendu typique et offre une apparence lumineuse uniforme sans pixellisation des LEDs. Le driver intégré et les rangées LED assemblées dans la cartouche utilisent des optiques de microstructures rendant le Shalo aussi pratique qu’attrayant. Shalo s'adapte à une variété de plafonds suspendus avec les rails porteurs nominalement de 4" au centre, y compris la TECHZONE™, et peut être installés en luminaire individuel discret, en système continu, et également en motif.
SHALO 3 V and T
Shalo - avec une profondeur de 2,75 po - offre une apparence lumineuse uniforme sans pixélisation des DEL. Vous avez le choix entre Shalo V et son optique en V (VLO) ou Shalo T avec son optique en forme de trapèze. Le pilote intégré et les rangées DEL assemblées dans la cartouche utilisent des optiques de microstructures rendant le Shalo aussi pratique qu’attrayant. Shalo s'adapte à une variété de plafonds suspendus avec les rails porteurs nominalement de 4 po au centre, y compris la TECHZONE™, et peut être installé en luminaire individuel discret, en système continu, et également en motif.
Shell présente une forme lumineuse simple, équilibrée et bien définie. Remarquablement polyvalente, Shell complète l’éclairage général dans les espaces de travail et offre un éclairage fonctionnel au-dessus des tables de conférence, dans les salles de pause ou de dîner, ainsi que dans les espaces de circulation. Comme types d’installation, Shell est disponible en suspendu, surface, mural et encastré. Shell encastré peut être installé entièrement en montage aligné avec le plafond ou semi-encastré, avec une projection réglable pouvant aller jusqu’à 1,0 po. Shell est disponible en Chromawerx Duo, Sola et Solid (uni).
SideView offre une luminosité uniforme et confortable visuellement. Ce résultat est rendu possible grâce à la nouvelle et innovante optique Compression Planar Optic. Grâce aux LED intégrés directement au panneau optique, le boîtier du luminaire est peu profond, moins de 2 ¾". Malgré sa profondeur minimale, l’optique incurvée du SideView semble disparaître dans le plafond.
Smile est un luminaire linéaire à LED au profil courbé harmonieux. Smile, grâce à l’utilisation de LED performantes et d’un contrôleur optique, permet un contrôle sur la lumière directe tout en offrant une lumière indirecte diffuse. Smile est offert avec différentes configurations de distribution de la lumière et différente température de la couleur grâce à ses différentes options.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Squero apporte un nouveau style et une flexibilité aux systèmes d’éclairage linéaires. Avec moins de 2" de largeur, Squero offre quatre optiques distinctives: la persienne parabolique, le réflecteur miniature, le diffuseur, ainsi qu’une optique indirecte à diffusion large. Chaque optique offre différents effets visuels, en plus d’une performance photométrique efficace. La nouvelle persienne parabolique est aussi disponible avec la fonction Chromawerx White Tuning. L’électronique du driver intégré est facile à entretenir. Les Squero suspendus peuvent être installés en tant que luminaires individuels ou en système continus ainsi qu’en motifs.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Les différentes combinaisons du Squero apportent une flexibilité et un style nouveau aux systèmes d’éclairages linéaires. Avec moins de 2" de largeur, le Squero offre quatre optiques distinctives: la persienne parabolique, le réflecteur miniature, le diffuseur, ainsi qu’une optique indirecte à diffusion large. Chaque optique offre une texture visuelle différente, en plus d’une performance photométrique efficace. Les combinaisons de Squero permettent d’utiliser les différentes optiques n’importe où dans le même luminaire, ainsi que des modules d’accentuation réglables. L’électronique du driver intégré est facile à entretenir. Les Squero suspendus peuvent être installés en tant que luminaires individuels ou en système continues ainsi qu’en motifs.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Les Hubs Squero permettent des créer des éclairages aux formes originales, avec des intersections et des angles exceptionnels. Les Hubs connectent des modules d'éclairage suspendu standard du luminaire Squero selon 12 alignements géométriques précis pour créer des arrangements à deux, trois ou quatre configurations. Fabriqués en aluminium fraisé, les Hubs assurent un blocage ferme des modules de luminaires Squero en suspension avec câblage traversant. Les attaches dissimulées, la finition détaillée et les multiples options de couleurs ajoutent une touche de style à tous les agencements.
Direct/Indirect, Direct
Le Togo fournit un éclairage ambiant généreux sous forme d'anneau minimal et élégant. Niché dans une bande opaque de 4" de haut, le diffuseur en anneau illumine vers l'intérieur. La courbe doucement arrondie du diffuseur confère au Togo une apparence mince. Disponible en diamètres de 18", 24", 36" et 48". Le Togo offre un éclairage direct / indirect (65/35) avec des critères d'espacement de 1,6 et une gamme de sorties lumineuses. Le boîtier extérieur en aluminium extrudé du Togo est soudé et poli pour former une bande transparente pouvant être peinte dans nos neuf finitions standard ou une couleur RAL sur mesure, à coordonner avec pratiquement n'importe quelle finition intérieure. Le driver du Togo est monté séparément de la fixture, soit au-dessus ou au-dessous du plafond. En plus d'un cordon d'alimentation conventionnel, le Togo offre également des détails de montage ultra-propres avec câbles d'alimentation et de suspension intégrés. Les contrôles incluent une gradation jusqu'à 1% en 0-10V, une ligne de tension et des protocoles numériques. Une lumière nocturne et un circuit d'urgence sont également disponibles. Le Togo supporte la gamme complète d'options ChromaWerx; Sola, Duo et Quadro, pour un blanc ajustable et des couleurs expressives RGBW.
Ubik Seal est un luminaire encastré linéaire avec un excellent UGR offert en éclairage direct avec trois choix de couleur de paralume : Blanc mat, noir mat et argenté mat. Ubik Seal peut être installé en unité indépendante ou en ligne continue.
Ubik Seal Perimeter offre un éclairage subtil et à faible éblouissement dans des arrangements encastrés nivelés, peu profonds et profonds avec des paralumes. Une seconde lentille en polycarbonate transparent avec joint est installée sur les paralumes pour une protection supplémentaire. Ubik Seal Perimeter peut éclairer et élargir un espace en éclairant les murs de périmètre. Utilisez-le dans les couloirs, les postes d'infirmières, les bureaux, les aires d'accueil, etc.
Le plafonnier encastré Ubik de 2 pi x 2 pi apportent style et sophistication, sans oublier deux options de couleur pour les paralumes du canal central. Notre luminaire Ubik Seal Troffer a la caractéristique d'une commande à deux circuits, l'un pour les paralumes paraboliques du canal central, l'autre pour les réflecteurs latéraux.
2X4, 2X2, 1X4
Vega est une suspension à LED qui se distingue par son optique médiane en forme de vague et texturée. Grâce à la qualité de ses LED, la lampe Vega fournit un éclairage performant et de qualité. Vega se décline en 3 tailles, 2x2, 1x4 et 2x4 et s’adapte à toutes les situations grâce à ses différentes options. Vega est aussi disponible en T5/THO et T8.
VIA 1.5
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Via 1.5 est un luminaire DEL linéaire souple, élégant et ultra compact à utiliser avec une installation suspendue, en surface, encastrée ou murale, en luminaire discret, en système continu et également en motif. Via 1.5 offre de nombreuses configurations optiques, des diffuseurs affleurants et à différentes hauteurs ainsi que d’autres distributions de lumière, dont des luminaires muraux et asymétriques, difficiles à réaliser avec un luminaire si compact.
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Via 2 est un luminaire DEL linéaire souple, élégant et à utiliser avec une installation suspendue, en surface, encastrée ou murale, en luminaire discret, en système continu et également en motif. Via 2 offre de nombreuses configurations optiques, des diffuseurs affleurants et à différentes hauteurs ainsi que d’autres distributions de lumière, dont des luminaires muraux et asymétriques, difficiles à réaliser avec un luminaire si compact.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect, Flush, Regressed and Wall Wash
Via 3 est un luminaire DEL linéaire à utiliser avec une installation suspendue, en surface, encastrée ou murale, en luminaire discret, en système continu et également en motif. Via 3 offre de nombreuses configurations optiques à haute efficacité, des diffuseurs affleurants et à différentes hauteurs ainsi que des luminaires muraux et asymétriques et une vaste gamme d’options électriques et options de bordure.
Le luminaire Via 3 Seal Perimeter est une ouverture, mince, compacte et éclairée à l'intersection du mur et du plafond. Le luminaire s'installe dans des plafonds à grille ou à cloisons sèches selon trois dispositions au choix : égale au plafond, avec une régression peu profonde de 1 po dans le plafond ou avec une régression profonde de 3 ¼. Le luminaire Via 3 Seal Perimeter est muni d'un joint et d'une lentille transparente en polycarbonate.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect, Flush and Wall Wash
Via 4 est un luminaire DEL linéaire souple à utiliser avec une installation suspendue, en surface, encastrée ou murale, en luminaire discret, en système continu et également en motif. Via 4 offre de nombreuses configurations optiques à haute efficacité, des diffuseurs affleurants et à différentes hauteurs ainsi que des luminaires muraux et asymétriques, avec réglage séparé de la lumière directe et indirecte.
Direct, Indirect, Flush, Regressed and Wall Wash
Via 5 est un luminaire DEL linéaire à haut rendement, à utiliser avec une installation suspendue, en surface, encastrée ou murale, en luminaire discret, en système continu et également en motif. Via 5 offre de multiples configurations optiques, des diffuseurs affleurants et à différentes hauteurs ainsi que les luminaires muraux asymétriques et une vaste gamme d’options électriques, réglages électriques et options de bordure.
Via Perimeter Le Via Perimeter crée une “fente” éclairée en continu à l’intersection mur/plafond. Des coins lumineux avec une manche ajustable, d’extrémité et de milieux, sont disponible. Via Perimeter s’installe dans les plafonds en grille ou en cloison sèche dans un choix de trois arrangements : au niveau du plafond, surélevé de 1" au-dessus du plafond, et surélevé de 3 ¼" au-dessus du plafond.
Via Skim est conçu pour éclairer les surfaces verticales texturées ou polies avec une lumière rasante à l’intersection du mur et du plafond. Via Skim fournit un éclairage continu le long de la surface du mur, incluant les coins.
L’intense distribution de la lumière rasante est rendue possible grâce au Wall Reflector Optic orientée pour projeter la lumière avec une intensité lumineuse maximale à 5 degrés au nadir.
Skim est disponible selon deux options de profondeur : shallow et deep. La profondeur d’encastrement est comprise entre 4 ¾" et 7".
Le Via Skim n'est pas recommandé pour éclairer des surfaces de cloisons sèches.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Via Splash, avec son indice de protection IP66, offre un éclairage architectural pour les endroits exigeants et humides, autant à l’extérieur qu’à l’intérieur. Le boîtier de 3½" par 5" en aluminium extrudé est disponible jusqu'à 12' de longueur. En plus du montage encastré, Via Splash peut être installé au mur ou suspendu. Via Splash convient aux températures entre -20ºC / -4ºF et 40ºC / 104ºF. Les sorties lumineuses vont de 500 à 1000 lumens par pied, avec plusieurs options électriques, d'urgence et de contrôle.
Via Wet offre un éclairage architectural pour les endroits mouillés, aussi bien à l’intérieur qu’à l’extérieur. Grâce à son profil en aluminium extrudé de 3.75 pouces de hauteur et de 4.5 pouces de largeur, Via Wet peut être installé en ligne droite continue aussi bien encastré au mur, au plafond que suspendu. Entièrement étanche, Via Wet est approprié pour les conditions climatiques extrêmes, allant de -20ºC/-4ºF à 40ºC/104ºF. Ce luminaire peut fournir jusqu’à 1000 lumens par section de quatre pieds.
Les luminaires verticaux cylindriques Voila 2 po permettent une installation en suspension ou en surface et sont offerts en plusieurs finis. Faisceaux à angles de champ interchangeables de 10º à 90º recourant au système optique HyFlex. Contrôleurs à distance offerts pour protocoles de 0 à 10 V, ELV, Triac DALI, DMX et plusieurs autres protocoles de gradation Lutron et EldoLED, de même que ChromaWerx Sola et Duo. Les luminaires peuvent être suspendus à des câbles de PVC ou recouverts de tissu. Les cylindres installés en surface peuvent être alimentés par raccordement direct ou par un boîtier de jonction. Des adaptateurs pour câbles de conduit sont offerts pour l'installation en surface ou en suspension. Déflecteurs moulés de 0,5 po et 1 po correspondant au diamètre du cylindre. Intensité lumineuse préréglée jusqu'à 1220 lumens.
Les luminaires verticaux et muraux asymétriques de 2 po sont offerts avec des ouvertures rondes ou carrées, des boîtiers à structure ouverte, IC ou CCEA et ils ne nécessitent qu'un plénum de moins de 4 po. Ces luminaires offrent un ajustement vertical de 30º à l'aide d'une vis de réglage et sont orientables à 360º horizontalement. Faisceaux à angles de champ interchangeables de 10º à 90º recourant au système optique HyFlex. Les contrôleurs intégrés 0 à 10 V, ELV ou avec gradateur Triac peuvent être remplacés à travers l'ouverture de 3 po. Contrôleurs à distance offerts pour d'autres protocoles, les situations d'urgence, de même que ChromaWerx Sola et Duo. Déflecteurs moulés de 0,5 po et 1 po avec ou sans bordure et en plusieurs finis. Intensité lumineuse préréglée jusqu'à 1340 lumens. Les lumières encastrées verticaux Voila 2" sont classées IP44.
Offerts en plusieurs finis, les Cylindres cubiques Voila 4 po peuvent être installés en surface ou en suspension. Faisceaux à angles de champ interchangeables de 10º à 90º recourant au système optique HyFlex. Contrôleurs à distance offerts pour protocoles de 0 à 10 V, ELV, Triac DALI, DMX et plusieurs autres protocoles de gradation Lutron et EldoLED, de même que ChromaWerx Sola et Duo. Les luminaires peuvent être suspendus à des câbles de PVC ou recouverts de tissu. Les cylindres installés en surface peuvent être alimentés par raccordement direct ou par un boîtier de jonction. Des adaptateurs pour câbles de conduit sont offerts pour l'installation en surface ou en suspension. Déflecteurs moulés de 0,5 po et 1 po correspondant au diamètre du cylindre/cube. Intensité lumineuse programmable jusqu'à 1220 lumens.
Les luminaires verticaux et muraux asymétriques Voila de 4 po sont offerts avec des ouvertures rondes ou carrées, des boîtiers à structure ouverte, IC ou CCEA et ils ne nécessitent qu'un plénum de moins de 4 po. Ces luminaires offrent un ajustement vertical de 30º à l'aide d'une vis de réglage et sont orientables à 360º horizontalement. Faisceaux à angles de champ interchangeables de 10º à 90º recourant au système optique HyFlex. Les contrôleurs intégrés de 0 à 10 V, ELV ou Triac et autres protocoles de gradation Lutron peuvent être remplacés à travers l'ouverture de 3 po. Contrôleurs à distance offerts pour protocoles DALI, DMX et plusieurs autres protocoles EldoLED, de même que ChromaWerx Sola et Duo. Déflecteurs moulés de 0,5 po et 1 po avec ou sans bordure et en plusieurs finis. Intensité lumineuse programmable jusqu'à 2800 lumens. Les lumières encastrées verticaux Voila 4" sont classées IP44.
Voilà Seal se caractérise par une optique de précision, une qualité de lumière exceptionnelle et une construction robuste et étanche pour les espaces de soins de santé.
Walo est un luminaire linéaire qui distribue de la lumière sur chacun de ses côtés, celle-ci se reflétant sur la surface adjacente. Les bandes lumineuses parallèles résultantes – qu’il s’agisse de dessus-dessous ou côté-côté – définissent et délimitent les murs et les allées. Walo est un luminaire compact, projetant une lumière de 2", du mur ou du plafond. Les côtés de 4 ½" fascias et chanfreinées du luminaire permettent de réfléchir la lumière sur la surface de montage tout en minimisant la luminosité directe du luminaire. Walo peut être utilisé de manière individuelle ou en motifs, installé verticalement ou horizontalement sur les murs et les plafonds. Les éléments de jonction éclairés du Walo permettent de couvrir les coins avec des angles intérieurs ou extérieurs. Une gamme complète de on-board drivers, de batteries et d'options électriques fait du Walo une approche pratique pour l’éclairage de zones de circulation.
Aera Deep luminaires introduce a unique deep baffle feature to the Aera family, available with a prism or smooth texture. This depth allows for an exceptionally low glare quality of light (UGR as low as 1) and a visually quiet ceiling. Aera Deep comes in square or round models and 2" or 3" apertures. The high-performance family (113 lm/W) displays a precise coupling of optic and trim and can be installed as IC-rated, non-IC-rated, or Chicago Plenum-rated types.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash, Multi-aperture
Aera downlights and multi-apertures (round and square) are designed with a sleek minimalist esthetic and true-to-size precision. Available in fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations, they are suitable additions to any interior space requiring illumination with outstanding optical performance (up to 113 lm/W), an industry-leading UGR of <10 for all beams, and a quiet ceiling effect, among many other features.
Aera Deep luminaires introduce a unique deep baffle feature to the Aera family, available with a prism or smooth texture. This depth allows for an exceptionally low glare quality of light (UGR as low as 1) and a visually quiet ceiling. Aera Deep comes in square or round models and 2" or 3" apertures. The high-performance family (113 lm/W) displays a precise coupling of optic and trim and can be installed as IC-rated, non-IC-rated, or Chicago Plenum-rated types.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash, Multi-aperture
Aera downlights and multi-apertures (round and square) are designed with a sleek minimalist esthetic and true-to-size precision. Available in fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations, they are suitable additions to any interior space requiring illumination with outstanding optical performance (up to 113 lm/W), an industry-leading UGR of <10 for all beams, and a quiet ceiling effect, among many other features.
Recessed, Surface, Pendant, Wall
The Aera 3" Flex Cylinder is adjustable, tilting upwards to 90 degrees and rotating 355 degrees. Mountable as a recessed, surface, pendant, or wall fixture, it brings to the Aera family added flexibility and more options to customize lighting effects.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash, Multi-aperture
Aera downlights and multi-apertures (round and square) are designed with a sleek minimalist esthetic and true-to-size precision. Available in fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations, they are suitable additions to any interior space requiring illumination with outstanding optical performance (up to 113 lm/W), an industry-leading UGR of <10 for all beams, and a quiet ceiling effect, among many other features.
Pendant, Surface, Wall
The Aera 4" Seal Cylinder, available as a pendant, surface, or wall mounted luminaire, takes the Aera family’s clean esthetic and performance assets to wet locations and outdoor environments, delivering lighting that’s visually comfortable with minimal glare. And just like its indoor counterpart, the Aera 4" Cylinder, the Aera 4" Seal Cylinder provides outstanding luminous efficacy despite its delicate profile.
Aera EchoCore™
Aera EchoCore™ acoustic luminaires not only offer outstanding optical performance and maximal eye comfort, but they also reduce echo and reverberation in their immediate environment. When sound waves meet the lighting fixture, they pass through its aluminum lattice only to be trapped by its core of layered sound-absorbing material. Available in round and square models with recessed mounting.
Surface, Pendant
The Aera 3" and 4" Inflex Cylinders feature adjustable optics that can tilt 35 degrees and rotate 355 degrees, all while their cylindrical housings stay in their fixed position. Mountable as pendant or surface fixtures, they can serve to subtly emphasize certain features of a space or add visual interest to plain lighting design.
ALCOVE LED is a compact, high-performance luminaire providing efficient asymmetric light distribution. ALCOVE measures just 1 13/16" high by 3 7/8" deep. With peak intensity at 110 degrees, adjustable optics, light output from 350 to 1200 lumens per foot, and efficacy up to 134LPW, ALCOVE delivers very effective ceiling illumination. Highly flexible, ALCOVE installs in site-built coves and other architectural enclosures, either as individual luminaires or in continuous runs with quick-connect wiring. Driver and LED boards are accessible without removing the luminaire.
Our Arq Acoustix product line is composed of the Arq Globe, Arq Flair, and Arq Aera pendant lights. These acoustic luminaires have an arc-shaped shade made of sound-absorbing felt created from recycled bottles, a feature that not only reduces noise and landfill pollution, but also imbues the gracefully proportioned fixtures with a soft, tactile quality. Each Arq Acoustix model represents a variation on the arc-shaped acoustic theme: Arq Globe exudes vintage vibes with its exposed bulbous Globe light; Arq Flair incorporates a cylindrical diffuser for a contemporary look and feel; and Arq Aera combines Aera downlight performance with acoustic pendant esthetics.
Arro 2 is a linear pendant composed of a triangular prism with a 2" base. The luminaire can be installed in continuous runs using maximum 8' sections, or mitered into a diversity of geometric patterns. Arro 2 is also available in five pre-assembled forms (rectangle, square, triangle, and X and Y spokes). Geometric and innovative, Arro 2 embodies a purity and practicality suitable for any indoor environment.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Arro 4 is a linear pendant composed of a triangular prism with a 4" base. The luminaire can be installed in continuous runs using maximum 12' sections, or mitered into a diversity of geometric patterns. Arro 4 is also available in five pre-assembled forms (rectangle, square, and triangle, and X and Y spokes). Geometric and innovative, Arro 4 embodies a purity and practicality suitable for any indoor environment.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Arro 4 Acoustix is a linear acoustic pendant composed of a triangular prism with a 4" base. The luminaire is fitted with superb acoustic dampening technology and is offered in 4', 6', 8', 10', and 12' lengths. With 10 standard and 19 premium color options, Arro 4 Acoustix can be suitable for any indoor environment where control of reverberation is required.
Audia EchoCore™
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Our flagship offering, Audia EchoCore™ uses the science of Helmholtz resonance principles to pass acoustic waves through aluminum lattice, it is then trapped by our proprietary sound-absorbing material called EchoCore™ technology. With its slim core, narrow body and multiple color options, Audia was designed from the ground up with sound and light excellence in mind.
Direct, Indirect
Axle is an elegant and compact LED linear accent luminaire providing efficient asymmetric light distribution. Softly curved Axle measures just 2 11/16" by 3 11/16". With adjustable optics, light output from 350 to 1200 lumens per foot (nominal), and efficacy up to 126 LPW, Axle delivers very effective illumination to graphics and artwork, as well as ceilings and walls. Highly flexible, Axle can be installed as individual luminaires (up to 8') or in continuous runs, with a choice of arm or cable suspension.
Slim Surface Mount Undercabinet
Cab, our sleek under-cabinet luminaire, brings illumination and modern elegance to healthcare settings, seamlessly supporting patient comfort, staff efficiency, and safety. It integrates into any space and offers two intuitive control options: the touchless sensor, activated effortlessly by a hand wave, or the traditional button for on/off control. Cab tailors your lighting experience with its static white CCT or variable 4-option CCT switchable feature, offering a range of color temperatures from 2700K to 4000K, accessible with a simple button press. Designed for indoor dry or damp locations, Cab ensures reliable performance, providing both practical illumination and sophisticated style.
Camber is a linear LED pendant luminaire with a thin, articulated profile. Using advanced LED engines and optical control, Camber provides wide spread uplight and well controlled downlight. This highly efficient and comfortable illumination is offered in a wide range of light distributions together with comprehensive electrical and controls options. Camber ICL with an Independently Controllable Light output of its indirect and direct components is also available. Camber is also available in T5 & T5HO.
Canyon is a narrow linear LED luminaire with a distinctive 1.25" aperture running the length of the housing. Using advanced LED engines and optical control, Canyon provides wide spread uplight and a gentle glow of downlight from a 90/10 indirect and direct light distribution. delivering both efficient and comfortable illumination. Canyon is offered in a choice of color temperatures, together with comprehensive electrical and controls options. Please see additional specification sheets for Canyon for wall mounting and fluorescent sources.
Direct and Direct/Indirect
Cava is a linear LED pendant, surface or recessed luminaire with a remarkably comfortable and surprising appearance. Using completely concealed and indirect LED arrays, Cava provides superior brightness control, while maintaining high efficacy by distributing light over the vaulted interior cavity of the luminaire. Cava offers totally direct or segmented direct/indirect distributions.
Cava-T provides a pleasant canopy of gentle luminescence that brightens everyday work spaces as well as special areas. Cava-T is available in 1x4 and 2x2 modules for a variety of ceiling conditions. Cava-T is an ideal vehicle for ChromaWerx color tuning in education, office, and healthcare applications where modular recessed luminaires are used.
A new spin on a classic cylinder. Cluster Acoustix offers up some stylish lighting. Cluster Acoustix is the small, precise, and soft warm lighting for any space. Based on a fundamental 1.2" square cell, Clusters provides a fresh, crisp look at architectural lighting. Cluster Acoustix comes in both planar or 4 cell configuration with many color choices on the optic louvers.
Cluster combinations integrate the miniature downlight elements with linear HLO general lighting, all in a narrow 1.5" extruded channel.
Compatible optics include all downlight, parabolic, and wall wash types and are available 3-, 5-, and 10-cell configurations and all applicable beam spreads and aperture finishes.
Cluster Combinations can run any length from 4’ on and can be recessed, surface, or pendant mounted with on-board drivers.
Clusters recessed downlights include linear downlights, planar downlights, and linear adjustable, all in various cell configurations. Downlights offer a choice of soft- and sharp-edge optics, multiple beam spreads and subtle aperture treatments.
Nominal light output is 200 lumens per cell at over 80 LPW; total output ranges up to 1800 lumens in a linear configuration and to 5000 lumens for the largest array.
Recessed Clusters can install in a variety of ceiling types and materials, with either an integral driver or a remote driver that is capable of powering multiple luminaires.
Clusters recessed parabolic downlights include linear downlights, planar downlights, and linear adjustable, all in various cell configurations. Downlights offer a choice of soft- and sharp-edge optics, multiple beam spreads and subtle aperture treatments.
Nominal light output is 200 lumens per cell at over 85 LPW; total output ranges up to 1800 lumens in a linear configuration and to 5000 lumens for the largest array.
Recessed Clusters can install in a variety of ceiling types and materials, with either an integral driver or a remote driver that is capable of powering multiple luminaires.
Cluster pendants include linear and planar configurations with downlight, parabolic, and wall wash optics that match recessed types. Linear pendants are available in 1-, 3-, and 5-cell configurations; planar pendants in 2x2 and 3x3 arrays.
Pendant Clusters fit a choice of 3", 8" or 12" deep cuboid enclosures. Nominal light output is 200 lumens per cell with efficacy over 80 LPW.
Pendant Clusters can be suspended using stems. A canopy for conduit connection is available. Driver is either integral or remote, which is capable of powering multiple luminaires.
Cluster Pi
Pendant, Recessed, Surface
Named after the mathematical constant we all know, Cluster Pi fixtures are graced with our Cluster family’s characteristic quality and mid-century modernist vibe, and, at the same time, embody softer, circular forms, some of which are able to house a secondary light source in an innovative concentric design.
Cluster surface luminaires include linear and planar configurations with downlight, parabolic, and wall wash optics that match recessed types. Linear surfaces are available in 1-, 3-, and 5-cell configurations; planar pendants in 2x2 and 3x3 arrays.
Surface Clusters fit a choice of 3", 8" or 12" deep cuboid enclosures. Nominal light output is 200 lumens per cell with efficacy over 80 LPW.
Surface Clusters mount using a choice of direct feed, junction box with canopy, and conduit feed with splice enclosure. Driver is either integral or remote, which is capable of powering multiple luminaires.
Clusters recessed linear wall wash is available in fixed and adjustable configurations. The diffusion film optics deliver remarkably smooth and uniform vertical illumination.
Nominal light output ranges from 400 to 1200 lumens with efficacy up to 66 LPW.
All recessed Clusters can install in a variety of ceiling types and materials, with either an integral driver or a remote driver that is capable of powering multiple luminaires.
A fresh face on a familiar form. It’s lighting with an edge! Cubito illuminates its square profile through two adjacent sides, forming a luminous right angle 2 ½" on each side. Wall mount Cubito as an uplight or downlight; run it at the wall/ceiling line to delineate the planes; install it vertically at the corner of two walls as a luminous signal, either surface or recessed. Cubito can be a discrete luminaire, a continuous line of light, or turn corners in one plane or two.
Cura offers multi-function lighting with ambient, exam, reading, and night light illumination from the bedhead. Each lighting function can satisfy the illuminance recommendations of ANSI-IES RP29-16. Optional BIOS SkyBlue™ technology provides a biologically optimized light spectrum that supports both circadian stimulus and visual diagnosis. Cura’s compact and durable form, combined with multiple light sources and control options, makes this luminaire particularly well suited to today’s healthcare patient rooms. Cura is also available with ChromaWerx DUO and SOLA capability.
Pendant, Surface, Recessed
Our extensive Curvia family illuminates with elegant curvilinear shapes and patterns, enhancing spaces with a soft touch and a graceful sense of movement. Curvia Prism luminaires integrate our Diamond Prism Optic (DPO), which minimizes glare and delivers high-quality, visually comfortable light.
Curvia Acoustix
Curvia Acoustix luminaires masterfully balance quality lighting with effective sound control through our acoustic felt, crafted from recycled plastic bottles. Available in over 30 colors, this felt not only reduces ambient noise but can also serve as a prominent design element in creating complete, unique acoustic lighting solutions.
Curvia Horizon
Recessed, Surface
Curvia Horizon luminaires feature four standard closed shapes—Ring, Rounded Square, Rounded Rectangle, and Capsule—that mount horizontally, directing light either inward toward their centers or outward away from their housing. They provide versatile illumination, enhancing depth and creating engaging effects in any space.
Curvia Perimeter
Curvia Perimeter fixtures highlight the contours of curved perimeters in three distinct mounting options: 1) level, for dramatic lighting; 2) shallow, for a softer effect; and 3) deep-recessed, for a more subtle look.
Curvia Seal
Pendant, Recessed, Surfaced
Built for the Outdoors, Engineered to Last.
Curvia Seal fixtures are tough and elegant, designed specifically for outdoor or indoor applications that demand enhanced protection against dust and water.
Dot, Box, Dot Cylinder
Ceiling and wall mounting
The Dot, Box, and Dot Cylinder are individual mounting systems that can be used on their own as solo lighting fixtures, or they can act as complements or supplements to Pivot track systems on a larger scale. Designed to be surface mounted on ceilings or walls, they are equipped with flat, conduit feed, or direct mount canopies, which can be round or square.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash
The Ecana downlight family is designed as round or square fixtures with simple detailing, available in 3", 4", and 6" sizes. The family includes fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations and blends effortlessly into various settings, enriching small and large-scale projects with practical, cost-effective, and finely tuned lighting.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash
The Ecana downlight family is designed as round or square fixtures with simple detailing, available in 3", 4", and 6" sizes. The family includes fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations and blends effortlessly into various settings, enriching small and large-scale projects with practical, cost-effective, and finely tuned lighting.
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash
The Ecana downlight family is designed as round or square fixtures with simple detailing, available in 3", 4", and 6" sizes. The family includes fixed, adjustable, and wall wash configurations and blends effortlessly into various settings, enriching small and large-scale projects with practical, cost-effective, and finely tuned lighting.
Volumetric light is redefined by Elia, a family of decorative luminaires that feature LED arrays illuminating both inward and outward simultaneously from housing offered in round, square, rectangle, oval, and multiple shapes. Elia fixtures create distinct luminous volumes, perfect for making a statement, enhancing a style, inserting a focal point, or adding character to any interior setting. For spaces that require a decorative lighting fixture, an element of design, and a work of art, Elia speaks volumes.
Adaptable Cove System
Evoq is an adaptable cove lighting system comprising modular light fixtures, various mounting options, and precision-engineered optics, among other components. Evoq's modular fixtures come in 12", 18", and 48" lengths, delivering powerful illumination of up to 1200 lm/ft and ranging from 3W to 12W. The optic options—Asymmetric Narrow Optic (ANO) or Asymmetric Wide Optic (AWO)—emit clean beams with uniformly distributed indirect light and zero light spill. Evoq ramps serve as prebuilt structures for integrating light fixtures, concealing wiring, and assuming the form of the architectural cove. Available in Mud-in, Direct Mount, and Field-Curvable options, they are quick and easy to install and can be field-cut to fit various designs. Simultaneously ready-made and customizable, Evoq's ramps streamline installation, effectively reducing labor costs and positioning Evoq as a highly cost-effective cove lighting solution.
Pendant, Surface, Wall
The Flair Cylinder family is a series of pendant, surface, and wall mounted decorative luminaires featuring refined proportions, attention to detail, and minimalist versatility. It consists of the Flair Sleeve, Flair Diffuser, and Flair Glow Ring. The Flair Diffuser is available in 2" or 3" diameters, while the Flair Sleeve and Flair Glow Ring are available in 3" diameters only.
The luminaires of the Folia Acoustix product line—Folia Bellis, Folia Calla, Folia Calla Shallow, and Folia Dahlia—were designed to deliver quality illumination, reduce sound reverberation, and serve as decorative elements in interior settings. Composed of numerous layers of sound-absorbing felt created from recycled bottles, the multi-dimensional voluminous fixtures are graced with an esthetic inspired by the shapes and forms of the botanical world. Unlit during the day, they appear as visually rich sculptural mobiles, but come nighttime, the dynamic luminaires transform into glowing celestial bodies.
Geometry taking shape
Timeless in appearance and flexible in function, the decorative Forma pendants embody the simple beauty of geometric design and the sophisticated power of innovative technology. The conical Caret, the truncated-cone-shaped Tote, and the hemisphere Cupola luminaires are each equipped with our Unity Pointed (UP) technology, which delivers lens brightness uniformity across all shapes and sizes within the same lumen output.
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Fortex is a series of distinctive and elegantly scaled rectangular pendants & wall luminaries. Fortex pendant is ideal for spaces such as conference rooms, executive offices, break rooms, cafeterias, vestibules and lobbies. Fortex direct/indirect consist of crisp 4.25" x 1.5" extruded aluminum sides, capped from both directs by gently glowing optics that extend 0.5" beyond the housing. Corners are mitered and fully luminous. Fortex 5 stands off the wall by 0.75" and casts gentle spill light that adds an intriguing detail. With an overall extension of just 2.25", both Fortex 5 and 2 comply with ADA requirements. Fortex coordinates with Via 1.5 Plus Linear.
Multi-functional downlight
Flexible in function and dynamic in design, Hemi is a line of hemisphere-shaped luminaires that reimagines lighting’s possibilities through a unique combination of innovative features. With rotational capabilities reaching 355 degrees, a tilt of up to 40 degrees from vertical, and a sleek aiming mechanism magnetically held in place, Hemi fixtures provide a vast range of precisely positioned solutions for both task and ambient requirements.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Hex is the distinctive and flexible six-sided luminaire for creative designs. Cell configuration determines the light distribution and overall light output. Each cell is illuminated by its own LED array with consistent light output and brightness across all cells. The 2" wide panels snap into the core armature providing nearly seamless transition from cell to cell, as well as access to LED arrays and driver.
Direct, Indirect
InWalo offers practical illumination from a linear in-wall luminaire. The InWalo housing requires just 5/8" of mounting depth - the thickness of common drywall - so the luminaire mounts on top of the wall studs. The driver compartment slides behind the luminaire for totally flexible installation between the wall studs. A removable LED and optical cartridge permits access to the driver without disturbing the drywall/housing connection. InWalo can be installed as a discrete or continuous linear luminaire and oriented for either uplight or downlight.
Repetition, pattern, and rhythm in design can enhance esthetic appeal. Medico was designed to be used solely or complementarily with Medico Plus to continue the same look throughout an entire health facility. Medico offers the same low-glare illumination in Ambient mode as Medico Plus. The center channel is offered with parabolic louvers, micro spots, or a downlight option.
Medico was designed to address both patient and staff needs in healthcare facilities. Multifunctional and powerful, the luminaire family delivers low-glare illumination without light trespass in multi-patient room settings. Medico Plus offers Exam, Ambient, and Reading modes.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Within its compact 1 15/16" x 4 ¾" profile, Medius supports a choice of outstanding optics for high performance direct and direct/indirect lighting. The result is excellent visual comfort with UGR better than 16, smooth ceiling uniformity, and efficacy up to 119 LPW. Medius offers ChromaWerx for tunable white applications. A sliding cable option simplifies installation in existing spaces. Medius configures as individual luminaires or continuous runs and features the full range of electrical and control options.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Precise, refined, elegant, and just 1" wide, Mikro presents a crisp, brand new scale in linear LED luminaires, made practical by an integral driver - Mikrodrive™. Using a high performance LED's and a flat, high efficiency lambertian optic, Mikro delivers an efficacy of 117 LPW. In addition to individual luminaires and continuous runs, Mikro is also available in pendant, wall, surface, and recessed configurations.
Direct, Indirect
Precise, refined, elegant, and just 1" wide, Mikro Plus presents a crisp, brand new scale in linear LED luminaires, made practical by an integral driver - Mikrodrive™. Using a high performance LED's and 1" square diffuser, Mikro Plus delivers an efficacy of 111 LPW with a three-dimensional luminous form. In addition to individual luminaires and continuous runs, Mikro Plus is also available in pendant, surface and wall configurations.
Recessed, Surface, Pendant
The Mini Pivot Track is low voltage and accommodates the Mini Pivot Track Modules. While offered as a recessed, surface, or pendant-mounted system with all luminaires distributing direct light, the pendant option, in particular, can accommodate modules on both its direct and its indirect sides. The Mini Pivot Track possesses infinite run capabilities in segments of up to 8 feet with smooth transitions at the joint. It can also branch out to create a multitude of shapes, patterns, and effects for various architectural applications.
Recessed, Surface, Pendant
With the same crisp and clean aesthetic as its Mini Pivot Track counterpart, Mini Pivot Linear fixtures are track-free lighting units that can be used in conjunction with Mini Pivot Track modules in comprehensive lighting designs, or they can serve as lighting solutions on their own for applications requiring uniform and consistent lighting effects throughout a space. Recessed, surface, or pendant mounted, Mini Pivot Linear delivers direct light distribution with HLO or DPO lensing options.
2X4, 2X2, 1X4
Nova is an efficient architectural LED troffer with a distinctive luminous shielding that distributes gentle brightness from the sides of its central optical element. Using advanced LED engines, Nova provides highly efficient illumination and offers comprehensive ceiling, electrical, and controls options in 2x2, 1x4, and 2x4 sizes. Nova is available with both Flat and Slope side diffusers. Nova is also available in T5/T5HO & T8.
Indirect widespread optics
Ory offers widespread, energy efficient lighting from a luminare just 1" high x 2.5" wide. A remote driver, accessible through the suspension canopy, provides power. Utilizing the LumenWerx Widespread Indirect Optic (WIO), Ory delivers peak intensity at 110º while suppressing direct uplight. This produces noticeably smoother ceiling brightness than a typical lambertian uplight distribution, permitting generally wider spacing as well. Ory is available as an indirect pendant, an indirect asymmetric wall luminaire (ADA compliant), and pendant patterns.
Indirect widespread optics
Constructed of extruded and die-cast aluminum, Paz measures just over 6" across - the smallest curved profile available today. A choice of end cap treatments and suspension options, as well as continuous runs in 2' increments, provide design flexibility. Paz incorporates our high performance widespread indirect optics and delivers comfortable totally indirect lighting with up to 109 lumens per watt. ChromaWerx Duo and Sola provide tunable white options.
Petite Cylinder
Surface, Pendant
The Petite family strikes that perfect balance of compact size, streamlined aesthetics, and high performance. Through their 1" lens apertures, these meticulously engineered downlight, cylinder, and multi-aperture luminaires breathe light into spaces with a quiet, straightforward sophistication.
Petite Downlight
Downlight, Adjustable Downlight, Wall Wash, Multi-aperture
The Petite family strikes that perfect balance of compact size, streamlined aesthetics, and high performance. Through their 1" lens apertures, these meticulously engineered downlight, cylinder, and multi-aperture luminaires breathe light into spaces with a quiet, straightforward sophistication.
Pendant, Surface, Recessed
Pivot is an architectural linear magnetic track lighting system for pendant, recessed, and surface mounting. Modular and expandable, it is composed of 17+ modules to mix and match, including linear, track head, and cylinder fixtures. Offered as a Direct or Direct/Indirect system, Pivot has the flexibility to answer a wide variety of lighting applications, from general to accent to wall wash, with the adaptability to change it up with a simple click of a magnet.
Poly’s geometric forms, appropriately scaled for use as discrete luminaires, offer new opportunities for creative approaches to general lighting. Poly Recessed delivers generous illumination regressed 2-sided diffusers form a shallow coffer, while 3-sided diffusers drop below the ceiling. Poly triangular and Y-shaped pendants can distinguish a variety of special areas. The open form is airy and features a compact 2.5" profile. Poly can be used comfortably in either regular or free-form arrangements. Attractive efficacy and many of lumen output and electrical options make Poly practical, as well as creative.
Direct, direct/indirect
POP Color features a 4 ¾" deep painted housing with a uniformly luminous diffuser that sits flush or drops up to 4" below. The diffuser and light engine form a fully enclosed unit secured by a twist-and-lock mechanism for easy maintenance with no exposed hardware. POP Color delivers up to 125 LPW and is available in nine standard housing colors, as well as custom finishes. POP Color offers a choice of round or square housings in nominal 12", 24", 36 and 48" sizes. All are suitable surface or pendant mounting with direct or direct/indirect light distributions. Diffuser drops are 1", 2", 3" or 4" below the edge of the housing. A broad range of color temperature, light output, electrical, and control options is offered. Each output option maintains the same diffuser brightness across different luminaire sizes providing a visually consistent hierarchy of scale.
Direct, direct/indirect
POP Core features a simple, uniformly luminous diffuser and delivers up to 131 LPW. The diffuser and light engine form a fully enclosed unit secured by a twist-and-lock mechanism for easy maintenance with no exposed hardware. POP Core offers a choice of round or square diffusers in nominal 12", 24", 36" and 48" sizes. All are suitable with direct or direct/indirect light distributions. Gentle spill light relieves shadows on the surrounding surface when surface mounted. POP Core square is available with 2.5" or 5" deep diffusers, the POP Core round in 3.5" and 5". The 2.5" deep diffuser meets ADA requirements for wall mounting with less than 4" extension. A broad range of color temperature, light output, electrical, and control options is offered. Each output option maintains the same diffuser brightness across different luminaire sizes providing a visually consistent hierarchy of scale.
Pop EchoCore™
Pendant, Surface, Recessed
Pop EchoCore™ acoustic luminaires not only offer lens brightness uniformity enabled by our Unity Pointed (UP) technology, but they also reduce echo and reverberation in their immediate environment. When sound waves meet the lighting fixture, they pass through its aluminum lattice only to be trapped by its core of layered sound-absorbing material. Available in round and square models with pendant, surface, and recessed mounting options.
POP Recessed features a uniformly luminous diffuser that sits flush with the ceiling. The diffuser and light engine form a fully enclosed unit secured by a twist-and-lock mechanism for easy maintenance with no exposed hardware. POP Recessed delivers up to 114 LPW and installs in grid or gypsum board ceilings.
Acoustic solution
Add pops of color while managing noise reverberation with Pop Recessed Acoustix, an unlit sound absorption panel that fits into suspended ceiling tile. Available in three shapes, four heights, and 29 PET felt colors (10 standard and 19 premium), Pop Recessed Acoustix can be used with related Acoustix and/or traditional luminaires. Mix the patterns, heights, and colors to create truly unique acoustic solutions.
Square and Rectangular
Pop Recessed Regressed Square and Rectangular is a flexible, elegant, low-glare luminaire available in 10 different sizes, with or without trim. Its innovative, precision-crafted Uniform Lambertian Optic (ULO) allows all models have a UGR of <19, beneficial for creating well-balanced architectural spaces. The fixture can be integrated in various grid ceiling and gypsum board setups. Pop Regressed Square comes in Static White, BiosLED, Chromawerx - Sola, Duo, and Quadro.
Pop Recessed Regressed Round is a flexible, elegant, low-glare luminaire available in four different sizes, with or without trim. Its innovative, precision crafted Uniform Lambertian Optic (ULO) allows all models to have a UGR of <19, beneficial for creating well-balanced architectural spaces. The fixture can be integrated in various grid ceiling and gypsum board setups. Pop Regressed Round comes in Static White, Bios LED, Chromawerx - Sola, Duo, and Quadro.
2X2, 1X4
LED lighting. The unique concentric micro optic creates a subtle, yet distinctive, graphical appearance appropriate for important spaces, large and small. The precise, square-base-prism design achieves both luminous consistency and overall visual comfort from all viewing angles. Using advanced LED engines and optics, Primo provides comfortable and efficient illumination where it's needed, while integrating cleanly into the architecture.
Quad is the simply designed and crisply executed linear luminaire for circulation, general, and utility applications. The High-efficiency Lambertian Optic provides excellent luminous efficacy and uniform luminosity across the diffuser. Quad is available in either a wide 3.5" or narrow 2.5" profile, along with surface and wall models, and can be installed in continuous runs. Not with standing the compact form, a full range of electrical and integrated control options is available.
Reven is a linear LED pendant luminaire with a thin, articulated profile. Using advanced LED engines and optical control, Reven provides wide spread uplight and well controlled downlight. This highly efficient and comfortable illumination is offered in a wide range of light distributions together with comprehensive electrical and controls options. Reven ICL with an Independently Controllable Light output of its indirect and direct components is also available. Companion wall luminaire is also available. Reven is also available in T5 & T5HO.
The Revo pendant offers a fresh interpretation of a classic shape, both attractive and functional. Just 2 3/8" in diameter, Revo delivers precise and well shielded illumination to task surfaces, such as counters, desks and conference tables. Miniature, low brightness reflectors and onboard MikroDrive™ electronics achieve Revo’s small scale. Revo can be used as an individual luminaire or combined into continuous runs. The Miniature Reflector Optic, developed specifically for the Revo pendant, creates intriguing visual texture as well as very comfortable brightness. Designed in collaboration with Gensler.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Versatile and streamlined, our Revo family delivers precise, textural, and comfortable task lighting for a variety of applications including above countertops, tables, and work stations to suit your daily needs. Revo 3 pendants may be relatively small (3 3/8" in diameter), but they pack substantial power, equipped with low brightness reflectors and a Furrowed Glare Reduction Optic (FGRO) for the downlight.
Noise cancelling and easy on the eyes, our Rim Verso Acoustix makes the perfect open office chandelier. Comprised of a circular sheet of sound-absorbing material surrounded by a continuous external luminaire, Rim Verso Acoustix is available in multiple colors to fit any interior design scheme.
Rize offers multi-function lighting with ambient, exam, and reading illumination from a pair of recessed luminaires. The pair of Rize luminaires operate in a master and satellite configuration. Each lighting function can satisfy the illuminance recommendations of ANSI-IES RP29-16. Optional BIOS SkyBlue™ technology provides a biologically optimized light spectrum that supports both circadian stimulus and visual diagnosis. The compact and durable construction, combined with multiple light source and control options makes Rize particularly well suited to today’s healthcare patient rooms. Rize is also available with ChromaWerx DUO and SOLA capability.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
With angular end caps, deep interior channel, and pleasing aspect ratio, Selka presents a crisp, refreshing style. Widespread uplight, comfortable downlight, high efficacy, and generous light output all make Selka eminently practical. Selka offers two distinctive downlight options: a regressed High-Efficiency Lambertian Optic and regressed parabolic louvers, in either specular or matte finish. Both options combine visual comfort with good cut off and a soft downlight distribution. Selka can be installed as discrete luminaires or continuous runs.
Shalo - with a depth of merely 1.75" - fits within the height of a typical ceiling grid and yet provides a uniform luminous appearance without LED pixilation. The onboard driver and cartridge-mounted LED arrays using micro-structure optics make Shalo practical, as well as attractive. Shalo fits a variety of grid ceilings with main runners nominally 4" on center, including TECHZONE™, and can be installed as discrete luminaires, continuous runs of uninterrupted light, and patterns.
SHALO 3 V and T
Shalo - with a depth of 2.75" - provides a uniform luminous appearance without LED pixilation. Choose from Shalo V with V-shaped optic (VLO) or Shalo T with Trapezoid-shaped optic. The integrated driver and cartridge-mounted LED arrays using micro-structure optics make Shalo practical, as well as attractive. Shalo fits a variety of grid ceilings with main runners nominally 4" on center, including TECHZONE™, and can be installed as discrete luminaires, continuous runs of uninterrupted light, and patterns.
Shell is a luminous form that is simple, balanced, and well detailed. Remarkably versatile, Shell complements general illumination in working spaces and provides functional illumination over conference tables, in break or lunch rooms, and in circulation spaces. Shell is also available in DUO, SOLA and Solid colors.
Shell is a luminous form that is simple, balanced, and well detailed. Remarkably versatile, Shell complements general illumination in working spaces and provides functional illumination over conference tables, in break or lunch rooms, and in circulation spaces. Shell Recessed can install fully flush or semi-recessed, with an adjustable projection up to 1.0". Shell is available with Chromawerx Duo, Sola and Solid.
Shell is a luminous form that is simple, balanced, and well detailed. Remarkably versatile, Shell complements general illumination in working spaces and provides functional illumination over conference tables, in break or lunch rooms, and in circulation spaces. Shell is also available in DUO, SOLA and Solid colors.
The SideView 2x2 recessed luminaire delivers visually comfortable and notably pleasant general illumination with an uncommonly even luminous surface. This attractive and comfortable lighting result comes from our innovative LumenWerx Compression Planar Optic. With the LED flux side-coupled directly into the optical panel, the SideView housing is very shallow, less than 2 ¾" deep. Despite its minimal depth, the Sideview’s gently curved concave optic seems to disappear up into the ceiling.
Pendant, Recessed, Surface, Patterns
The Slight collection comprises miniature linear luminaires equipped with a remote driver. Slight fixtures deliver precise, glare-controlled illumination, ensuring exceptional visual comfort. They are suitable for drywall, grid, and wood slat ceiling applications.
Smile is a linear LED luminaire with a gently curved profile and a charming aspect. Using advanced LED engines and optical control, Smile provides wide spread uplight and well controlled downlight, delivering both efficient and comfortable illumination. Smile is offered in a choice of light distributions, outputs, and color temperatures, together with comprehensive electrical and controls options.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Squero brings new style and flexibility to linear lighting systems. Less than 2" wide, Squero offers four distinctive optics: parabolic louver, miniature reflector, and diffuser as well as a widespread indirect optic. Each Squero optic provides a different visual texture, as well as photometric performance. The new parabolic louver is also available with ChromaWerx tunable white capability. Squero pendants can be installed in recessed, pendant, and surface applications and configured as individual luminaires or in continuous runs and patterns. Onboard driver electronics maintain serviceability.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Superior craftsmanship meets optical performance and premium sound absorption in our Squero Acoustix line. Made using fine-cut acoustic felt, Squero Acoustix sports a crisp flat end cap and offers four standard optics for advanced illumination—matte parabolic louver, specular parabolic louver, Miniature Reflector Optic (MRO), and High-Efficiency Lambertian Optic (HLO)—as well as adjustable accent modules. Squero Acoustix fixtures are also available in preassembled V, X, and Y spoke shapes, created by linear units joined together with custom hubs. Shipped directly from factory, the spokes add visual interest and dynamism to any given space.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Squero Combinations bring new style and flexibility to linear lighting systems. Under 2" wide, Squero offers four distinctive optics: parabolic louver, miniature reflector, and diffuser as well as a widespread indirect optic. Each optic provides a different visual texture, as well as photometric performance. Squero Combinations enables the various optics to be used anywhere in the same luminaire, together with adjustable accent modules. Onboard driver electronics maintain serviceability. Squero Combinations can be installed as individual luminaires or in continuous runs and patterns.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Squero Hubs create fresh luminaire forms with distinctive angles and intersections. Hubs connect standard Squero pendant modules with 12 precise geometric alignment for 2, 3 and 4 way arrangement. With milled aluminum construction, Hubs assure rigid locking to the Squero luminaire modules and provide for cable suspension and through wiring. Concealed fastening, crisp details, and multiple color options add a touch of flair to any pattern.
Semi-Recessed Sealed Step Lights
Our oval and rectangular wall-mounted Step lights are crafted to facilitate easy navigation within healthcare facilities. Both designs offer adaptability to various architectural preferences, featuring horizontal and vertical faceplates. Choose from multiple options to customize the lighting according to your facility's requirements. The 90-degree cut-off design ensures precise illumination without unwanted light spillage, enhancing safety and comfort for patients and staff. Engineered with durable polycarbonate lenses and shallow housing, these lights meet ADA requirements while delivering consistent performance in healthcare environments. With a 1.5W output wattage, our Step lights provide energy-efficient lighting solutions tailored for healthcare settings. Elevate the navigation experience in your facility with our Step lights, seamlessly blending functionality, reliability, and compliance in one convenient package.
At just 0.7 inches (18 mm) in width, Tab is the slimmest family in the Lumenwerx Acoustix portfolio. Available in several lengths, heights, and colors, Tab represents a myriad of acoustic lighting possibilities, from playful visual collages featuring different sizes and colors, to more traditional acoustic treatments composed of identical luminaires mounted in parallel sequences. Tab luminaires also soften interiors with the curves of their top corners, a detail that quietly complements their sound-dampening capabilities.
Direct/Indirect, Direct
Togo provides generous ambient illumination from a minimal and elegant ring form. Nestled in a crisp 4" high opaque band, the distinctive, annular diffuser glows inwardly. The diffuser’s softly rounded compound curve lends Togo a slender appearance. Available in 18", 24", 36" and 48" diameters. Togo delivers efficient, widesoread, direct/indirect illumination (65/35) with spacing criteria of 1.6 and a range of light outputs. Togo’s outer housing of extruded aluminum is welded and buffed to a seamless band that can be painted in our nine standard finishes, or an RAL custom color, to coordinate with virtually any interior finish. The Togo driver mounts remotely, either above or below the ceiling. In addition to a conventional power cord, Togo also offers an ultra-clean mounting detail with integrated power and suspension cables. Controls include dimming to 1% in 0-10V, line voltage, and digital protocols. Night light and emergency circuiting are available. Togo supports the full range of ChromaWerx Sola, Duo, and Quadro options for tunable white and RGBW expressive color.
Direct/Indirect, Direct
With its gentle curves, sound dampening technology and single piece, seamless external luminaire, the Togo Pendant offers the best of form and function. Thanks to dual-purpose towered aircraft cable, the pendant appears to float in mid-air, offering low glare illumination and acoustic dampening that will enhance any space.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Geometric purity meets the best in illumination performance in Ubik, the luminaire family engineered to offer a multitude of sleek, sophisticated options for interior spaces. From linear downlighting to long linear runs to elaborate light patterns to striking corner illumination, Ubik’s potential is immense. These compact 2" square fixtures are offered with, HLO and parabolic louver and wall wash optics for direct illumination; and widespread or translucent optics for indirect illumination.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Sleek square form meets superb function in Ubik, a lighting family designed to provide a multitude of creative options. With the Ubik combination pendant luminaire, you can combine different optics and create patterns with corners to further enhance your lighting design. These compact 2” wide pendant fixtures are offered with HLO, parabolic louvers, and wall wash optics for direct illumination. For indirect you can select widespread or translucent optics.
Ubik is one of the most commanding 2" aperture luminaires on the market, packing a powerful punch of up to 1600 lumens per foot. With five standard lumen packages, Ubik also has the flexibility to illuminate many types of spaces. And if that weren’t enough, optics are interchangeable within the same linear run, allowing for even more creative options.
Sleek square form meets superb function in Ubik, a lighting family designed to provide a multitude of creative options. Designed with a 2.5" aperture, Ubik Perimeter offers subtle, low-glare illumination in level, shallow, and deep recessed arrangements with HLO (High-Efficiency Lambertian Optic) or parabolic louver options for direct illumination.
Ubik Seal is a recessed linear with excellent UGR with three choices of louver color: Matte White, Matte Black, and Matte Silver. An additional gasketed clear polycarbonate lens is mounted on top of louvers for extra protection. Ubik Seal can be installed as a stand-alone luminaire or in a continuous run.
Ubik Seal Perimeter offers subtle, low-glare illumination in leveled, shallow, and deep recessed arrangements with parabolic louvers. A gasketed clear polycarbonate lens is mounted on top of the louvers for extra protection. Ubik Seal Perimeter can brighten and broaden a space by illuminating perimeter walls. Use it in corridors,nurses' stations, offices, hospitality locations, and more.
Ubik’s 2x2 Troffers bring style, sophistication, not to mention two color options for center channel louvers. Our Ubik Seal Troffer has the optional feature of two-circuit control, one for the parabolic louvers in the center channel, the other for the side lenses.
Sleek square form meets superb function in Ubik, a lighting family designed to provide a multitude of creative options. Ubik Troffer creates visual comfort with its low-glare dual optical chamber performance. The center channel features parabolic louvers, available in matte white or matte silver, that deliver a soft conical distribution. Side lenses provide indirect, reflected, soft diffused distribution using Tri-Flect technology. The fixture offers 60/40 and 40/60 light distribution options and meets the WELL Building Standard™ guidelines for UGR values. Available with two-circuit control option that allows you to independantly control the side lenses and center parabolic louvers.
2X4, 2X2, 1X4
Vega is an efficient architectural LED troffer with a distinctive luminous shielding that features a median textured optic. Using advanced LED engines, Vega provides highly efficient illumination and offers comprehensive ceiling, electrical, and controls options in 2x2, 1x4, and 2x4 sizes. Vega is also available in T5/T5HO & T8.
VIA 1.5
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Our elegant, flexible Via family is composed of linear, pendant, surface, recessed, and wall mounted luminaires, each of which can be installed as a discrete lighting fixture or in continuous runs or patterns. Asymmetric, widespread, low-glare, and wall wash optic options allow for precise distribution and exceptional light quality for a wide range of applications.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Precision designed with esthetics in mind, Via Acoustix luminaires feature sound-absorbing felt, mitered seams, and regressed end caps within single, continuous, and cost-effective units that integrate effortlessly into open architectural spaces. Via Acoustix fixtures are also available in pre-assembled X and Y spoke shapes, created by linear units mitered together. Shipped directly from factory, the spokes not only incorporate all of the features that have made the Via family so successful, including our High-Efficiency Lambertian Optic (HLO), but they also possess the ability to dampen noise reverberation.
Direct, Indirect and Direct/Indirect
Our elegant, flexible Via family is composed of linear, pendant, surface, recessed, and wall mounted luminaires, each of which can be installed as a discrete lighting fixture or in continuous runs or patterns. Asymmetric, widespread, low-glare, and wall wash optic options allow for precise distribution and exceptional light quality for a wide range of applications.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect
Precision designed with esthetics in mind, Via Acoustix luminaires feature sound-absorbing felt, mitered seams, and regressed end caps within single, continuous, and cost-effective units that integrate effortlessly into open architectural spaces. Via Acoustix fixtures are also available in pre-assembled X and Y spoke shapes, created by linear units mitered together. Shipped directly from factory, the spokes not only incorporate all of the features that have made the Via family so successful, including our High-Efficiency Lambertian Optic (HLO), but they also possess the ability to dampen noise reverberation.
Pendant, Recessed, Surface
Based on the design of our successful Via product line, the Via 2 Prism pushes technological boundaries with its Diamond Prism Optic™ (DPO™), a sophisticated innovation engineered to deliver soft, glare-free, lighting that wraps around subjects casting subtle graduated shadows. At 2" wide, the Via 2 Prism offers outstanding efficacy of up to 150 lm/W and an industry-topping UGR of < 5.
Pendant, Recessed, Surface
Via 2 Prism Combination luminaires allow for the combining of different optics within the same fixture to enable the layering of lighting types (task, ambient, accent, etc.). In addition, different linear units can be joined at various angles to create Combination Pattern luminaires that can extend through corners and along the lengths of walls and/or ceilings, depending on the creative and structural requirements of the lighting design.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect, Flush, Regressed and Wall Wash
Our elegant, flexible Via family is composed of linear, pendant, surface, recessed, and wall mounted luminaires, each of which can be installed as a discrete lighting fixture or in continuous runs or patterns. Asymmetric, widespread, low-glare, and wall wash optic options allow for precise distribution and exceptional light quality for a wide range of applications.
The Via 3 Seal Perimeter creates a compact and continuously illuminated opening at the wall/ceiling intersection. The luminaire installs in grid or drywall ceilings in a choice of three arrangements: level with the ceiling plane, with a shallow 1" regress above the ceiling, and with a deep 3 ¼" regress. Via 3 Seal Perimeter is gasketed and sealed polycarbonate clear lens.
Direct, Indirect, Direct/Indirect, Flush and Wall Wash
Our elegant, flexible Via family is composed of linear, pendant, surface, recessed, and wall mounted luminaires, each of which can be installed as a discrete lighting fixture or in continuous runs or patterns. Asymmetric, widespread, low-glare, and wall wash optic options allow for precise distribution and exceptional light quality for a wide range of applications.
Direct, Indirect, Flush, Regressed and Wall Wash
Our elegant, flexible Via family is composed of linear, pendant, surface, recessed, and wall mounted luminaires, each of which can be installed as a discrete lighting fixture or in continuous runs or patterns. Asymmetric, widespread, low-glare, and wall wash optic options allow for precise distribution and exceptional light quality for a wide range of applications.
Via Perimeter creates a continuously illuminated “slot” at the wall/ceiling intersection. Lighted corners with an adjustable end and middle sleeves are available. Via Perimeter installs in grid or drywall ceilings in a choice of three arrangements: level, shallow 1", and deep 3 ¼".
Via Perimeter MRI fixtures are designed specifically for MRI suites in healthcare applications and constructed with non-ferrous materials. With remote drivers, they create a continuously illuminated “slot” at the wall/ceiling intersection. Lighted corners with adjustable end sleeves are available. Via Perimeter installs in grid or drywall ceilings in a choice of three arrangements: level, shallow 1", and deep 3 ¼". An additional antimicrobial finish option is available.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Wet Suitable (IP44) or Wet Listed (IP54)
Via Seal has been designed to maintain the elegant architectural esthetic of the Via family with added protection to repel the elements. With our Environmentally Protected Optics (EPDO, EPIO), Via Seal blocks dust and moisture, resists UV distortion, and withstands moderate impact. The Via Seal driver is located strategically in the enclosure to protect the electrical components and wiring from contact with moisture, while the circuit boards are coated with an insulative layer that further safeguards against humidity, salt, chemicals, and temperature changes.
Via Skim is designed to illuminate textured or polished vertical surfaces with a grazing light from the wall/ceiling intersection. Via Skim provides continuous illumination across the wall surface. The intense light distribution is achieved with our Grazing Reflector Optic (GRO) oriented to project light with maximum luminous intensity at 5º from nadir. The Via Skim is available with two depth options: shallow and deep. Total recessed depth ranges from 4¾" to 7". Via Skim is not recommended to illuminate drywall surface applications.
Direct, Direct/Indirect
Via Splash, with its IP66 rating, offers energy-efficient architectural lighting for demanding, wet locations (including wash down) in both exterior and interior applications. The simple housing of extruded aluminum is fully sealed and available in lengths up to 12'. suitable for temperatures from -20ºC/-4ºF to 40ºC/104º, Via Splash can be installed in pendant, surface, wall, or pendant applications. Choose from Direct, Direct/Indirect, and Asymmetric light distributions. Light output ranges from 500 to 2000 lumens per foot, with color temperatures up to 5000K and efficacies up to 116 LPW. Multiple enclosure, electrical, emergency, and control options are available.
Via Wet (IP54) offers architectural lighting for wet locations in both exterior and interior applications. Via Wet is not only equipped with an additional lens layer in either polycarbonate or tempered glass, but it also has a double seal in the form a two-tiered gasket to ensure that nothing can enter the fixture. Its water-tight and dust-tight durable craftsmanship make it suitable for many harsh environments prone to excessive water and debris. The 4.5-inch profile is available with a natatorium and corrosion resistant finish for extra protection. Via Wet can be used outdoors in parking lots, bridges, and exterior trusses, as well as indoors, for example, in pools, food prep areas, and laboratories that undergo frequent wash downs.
With a simple 3¾" high by 4½" wide profile of extruded aluminum, Via Wet can be installed in recessed, ceiling, wall, or pendant mounting. Via Wet is suitable for extreme weather condition, -20ºC/-4ºF to 40ºC/104ºF. A choice of output options provides up to 1000 lumens per foot section.
Voila 2" cylinder downlights are available for pendant and surface installation with multiple finishes. Using HyFlex optics, field-interchangeable beam angles range from 10º to 90º. Drivers are remote and are available for Remote drivers are available 0-10V, ELV, Triac, DALI and various Lutron and EldoLED dimming protocols, as well as ChromaWerx Sola and Duo. Pendants can be suspended with PVC or fabric-covered cable. Surface cylinders can be powered by direct wire or through a J-box. Surface conduit adapters are available for both surface and pendant installation. Die-cast baffles are offered in in 0.5", 1" and 2" depth and match the cylinder diameter. Pre-set luminaire light output is available from up to 1220 lumens.
Voila 2" downlights and wall washers are available in round and square apertures with Open Frame, IC and CCEA housings, all requiring less than 4" of plenum depth. Downlights adjust 30º vertically with screw thread mechanism and rotate 360º horizontally. Using HyFlex optics, field-interchangeable beam angles range from 10º to 90º. Integral drivers are available for 0-10V, ELV or Triac dimming and can be replaced through the 2" aperture. Remote drivers are available for other protocols, emergency operation, and ChromaWerx Sola and Duo. Die-cast baffles are offered in 0.5" and 1.0" depth with trim or trimless options and multiple finishes. Pre-set luminaire light output is available from up to 1340 lumens. Voila 2" downlights has an IP44 rating.
Voila 4" Cylinder-Cuboid downlights are available for pendant and surface installation with multiple finishes. Using HyFlex optics, field-interchangeable beam angles range from 10º to 90º. Drivers are remote and are available for Remote drivers are available 0-10V, ELV, Triac, DALI and various Lutron and EldoLED dimming protocols, as well as ChromaWerx Sola and Duo. Pendants can be suspended with PVC or fabric-covered cable. Surface luminaires can be powered by direct wire or through a J-box. Surface conduit adapters are available for both surface and pendant installation. Die-cast baffles are offered in in 0.5", 1" and 2" depth and match the cylinder/cuboid dimension. Programmable luminaire light output is available up to 2650 lumens.
Voila 4" downlights and wall washers are available in round and square apertures with Open Frame, IC and CCEA housings, all requiring less than 4" of plenum depth. Downlights adjust 30º vertically with screw thread mechanism and rotate 360º horizontally. Using HyFlex optics, field-interchangeable beam angles range from 10º to 90º. Integral drivers are available for 0-10V, ELV, Triac and various Lutron dimming protocols and can be replaced through the 4" aperture. Remote drivers are available for DALI, DMX, and various EldoLED protocols, as well as ChromaWerx Sola and Duo. Die-cast baffles are offered in in 0.5" depth with trim or trimless options and multiple finishes. Programmable luminaire light output is available up to 2800 lumens. Voila 4" downlights has an IP44 rating.
Voila Seal is a new class of downlights, featuring precision optics, outstanding quality of light, and robust, user-friendly construction for Healthcare spaces.
Voila 4" Seal MRI Recessed fixtures are crafted from non-ferrous materials for MRI suites in healthcare applications. They feature a remote driver, an IP54-rated gasketed trim for dust and water protection, and an antimicrobial finish. Eight beam angles ensure versatile lighting options.
Walo is a linear luminaire that casts light to either side, reflecting off of the adjacent surface. The resulting parallel bands of brightness – whether up-and-down or side-to-side – define and delineate walls and pathways. Walo is compact, projecting just 2", from wall or ceiling. A 4 ½" fascia and chamfered sides return light to the mounting surface and minimize the direct brightness from the luminaire. WALO can be used individually or in patterns, installing vertically or horizontally on walls and on ceilings. Lighted joiner elements enable WALO to turn inside and outside corners. A full suite of on-board driver, battery pack and electrical options makes WALO a practical approach for lighting circulation areas.