
LumenXpress – LumenWerx 10 day Quick Ship Program
Our new LumenXpress 10 day quick ship program is remarkably simple. It’s all set out in our easy- to-use brochure. Click here to download the LumenXpress brochure.
LumenXpress covers the core of the LumenWerx portfolio, and includes all Via sizes, mounting, patterns, and light distributions; recessed troffers; direct/indirect pendants; and perimeter and wall lighting, with all standard product options, including color temperature, light output, and emergency. Orders ship in 10 business days after order release.
What do you need to do to take advantage of LumenXpress?
- Email your order to [email protected].
- PO should indicate clearly LumenXpress and include a complete product catalog number.
- Note the approved pricing and commission rate.
- Consult factory before ordering options not covered by LumenXpress.
- Include complete ship-to address, contact information and any notes or site restrictions.